
April 6th, 2024

I’m thrilled to share that I’ve been selected as a member of the inaugural Early Career Advisory Board (ECAB) for Physical Review B (PRB). It’s particularly meaningful to me since my first scientific article was published in PRB in 2012. A dozen years later, I’m privileged to have the opportunity to learn about the details of the publication process of PRB and contribute ideas for its improvement and future direction. After reviewing the esteemed list of ECAB members on PRB’s website [], I am genuinely honored to align with such notable colleagues. I look forward to engaging in collaborative efforts with both my fellow advisory board members and the PRB Editorial Board, dedicated to the progression and dissemination of physics knowledge.

March 26th, 2024

We are delighted to share an exciting update regarding our research. We have achieved a remarkable milestone by successfully developing and fabricating our first electrically gated 2D device using high-quality single crystals cultivated in our laboratory. At present, we are actively engaged in conducting a comprehensive electrical measurement on this device using our recently installed Quantum Design PPMS system in our lab. This state-of-the-art system empowers us to perform precise and detailed measurements not only on the electrical device, but also on the as-grown crystals, enabling us to extract valuable data and insights, which are essential for further optimizing the growth condition of the developed materials. This research journey has been a culmination of several crucial stages. It commenced with the growth of superior materials, followed by the meticulous fabrication of high-quality device. Each step has contributed to bringing us closer to this milestone, demonstrating our commitment to pushing the boundaries of quantum materials and devices.

Jan. 15th, 2024

We are absolutely thrilled to have the esteemed presence of Prof. Xiao-Gang Wen from MIT at our iLab for Quantum Materials and Devices at HKUST today. Prof. Wen’s visit has brought us immense joy, and we wholeheartedly express our sincere gratitude for the invaluable knowledge and inspiration you have imparted. Thank you very much for taking the time to visit our lab!

Dec 22th, 2023

Welcome, Sihong! We are delighted to have you join our group as part of the Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program. Sihong is currently a third-year undergraduate student, and his passion and enthusiasm for research are truly commendable.

Dec 19th, 2023

Welcome, Yukai! We are thrilled to have you join our group for your senior thesis project. As a current fourth-year undergraduate student, your exceptional dedication to academic excellence has brought you to this pivotal point in your education. Your participation will greatly contribute to the research endeavors and foster a collaborative learning environment. Once again, a warm welcome to you, Yukai!

Nov 24th,2023

Congratulations to Heze, a year two undergraduate student in our lab. He just received Physics Major Entry Scholarship, a highly selective award in our department.

October 11th, 2023

We are happy to share a piece of wonderful news that our first batch of freshly grown single crystals are out of the furnace. See the optical image on the right. The slender, needle-like crystals are almost 1cm long, with a natural flat surface, in accordance with their van der Waals layered nature. Congratulations to Yifan and Peter for their efforts.

Sept 25th, 2023

We are excited to announce that our group website is officially online. It was a lot of fun to work with our founding group members, Yifan, Jack, Peter, and Heze. We are also thankful for the wonderful technical support from our technician, Walter. We look forward to new quantum materials coming out of our lab very soon.

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